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Victorian Ban on Duck Hunting a Warning Shot for SA

A Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry today handed down their final report, recommending a complete ban of duck and quail hunting in that state. 

If such legislation were to pass, South Australia would then be the only mainland state to still allow duck and quail hunting seasons. 

The South Australian Parliament is also currently considering a potential ban in a similar committee inquiry into the matter. A reporting date is expected later this year. 

Quotes attributable to Tammy Franks MLC: 

“Duck hunting is cruel and archaic, that is why WA banned it in 1990, NSW banned it in 1995, and QLD banned it in 2005. South Australia is set to be the only remaining mainland state which still allows it. We need to move quickly to protect our native wildlife and join our neighbours in banning this murderous pastime.  

“This reform is long overdue and a testament to the work of animal advocates over decades. But the reality is, South Australia now has a target on our back when it comes to hunters looking for somewhere to shoot ducks next year.” 

“If South Australia doesn’t act soon, we know Victorian hunters will be crossing our border early next year, with all the bad behaviours that were documented in the Victorian Committee’s report.” 

“We do not want to start importing animal cruelty. The South Australian Committee must get on with the important job of giving certainty on this issue and end this cruel practice once and for all.” 

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The long-overdue Greyhound Industry Reform Inspector (GIRI), the recently appointed Mr Sal Perna AM, will NOT get the expanded powers he needs to oversee much-needed animal welfare reforms after a series of Greens’ amendments to the Greyhound Industry Reform Inspector Bill 2024 were voted down in the Parliament yesterday. Greens’...

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