As South Australia faces a summer of bushfires ahead, the SA Greens have called on the Malinaukas Government to urgently audit current CFS facilities after the CFS Voluntary Association (CFSVA) revealed they are unable to address several workplace safety hazards across CFS stations due to insufficient and inconsistent funding.
In their strategic plan ‘Building on Strong Foundations – 2021 and beyond’ the CFSVA recommended that the State Government allocates additional funding of $10 million over 4 years for the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of CFS stations across South Australia.
Quotes attributable to Tammy Franks MLC:
“Due to historic and current lack of funding, CFS stations themselves can be a barrier to attraction, recruitment, and retention of an inclusive and diverse firefighting service. The lack of funding has seen the identification of some important structural issues, specifically taps, toilets and a place to change with dignity and privacy. Other safety issues include the presence of asbestos and electrical issues”
“Our communities are resilient, and we support each other in times of crisis – but the government also needs to do the same for those who battle the climate crisis on the front line. Funding all the necessary upgrades is a non-negotiable.”
“CFS volunteers risk their lives to protect our community, and they deserve the unconditional support of the State Government and to be provided with equipment and stations of the highest possible standard.”
“There are many in our community who do what is needed when we are facing catastrophe. In Parliament this week, I wanted to shine a spotlight on the remarkable efforts of the CFS, who consistently show up when we need them the most. Right now, they need the Malinauskas government to step up for them"