Motion: Condolence Motion for Rosemary Lester
June 23, 2021
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (16:31): I rise to support this motion of condolence, and to take a moment here in this council to honour the contribution and the life and work of Rosemary Lester, who will after this be Kunmanara Lester. She was an...
Read MoreMotion: Save Peterborough Medical Centre
June 09, 2021
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (16:35): I move: That this council— 1. Notes the closure of the medical centre in Peterborough on 30 June 2021 due to a shortage of physicians; 2. Recognises that this is part of a concerning trend of the loss of...
Read MoreMotion: Dill Ministers Pickle the Mangroves
May 27, 2021
Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. T.A. Franks: That this council— 1. Condemns the inaction of the Minister for Environment and Water and the Minister for Energy and Mining in dealing with Buckland Dry Creek Ltd, resulting in the mass die-off of mangroves in...
Read MoreMotion: Gendered Violence Prevention
May 26, 2021
Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. C. Bonaros: That this council— 1. Acknowledges the thousands of people who attended the March 4 Justice in South Australia on 15 March 2021; 2. Condemns all forms of gendered violence; 3. Calls for an end to gendered...
Read MoreMotion: Welcome to Robert Simms MLC
May 04, 2021
Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. R.I. Lucas: That this council welcomes the Hon. Robert Simms, elected by an Assembly of Members of both houses on 4 May 2021 to replace the Hon. M.C. Parnell (resigned). The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: Unsurprisingly, I rise to support...
Read MoreMotion: Farewell to Mark Parnell MLC
March 31, 2021
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: With some sadness, I move: That this council— 1. Notes the upcoming retirement of the Hon. Mark Parnell MLC after 15 years of service to the people and Parliament of South Australia; 2. Recognises his role as the first member of...
Read MoreMotion: Review of Sexual Harassment in South Australian Parliament
March 17, 2021
Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. T.A. Franks: That this council notes the report by the Equal Opportunity Commission to the houses of the South Australian Parliament, entitled Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace, dated February 2021. The Hon. T.A. FRANKS...
Read MoreMotion: Select Committee on Poverty in SA – Second Interim Report
March 03, 2021
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I move: That the report be noted. I am very pleased to bring forward this report. It is the second interim report of the Select Committee on Poverty, which I chair. I want to start by acknowledging the work of other...
Read MoreMotion: Harassment in the Parliamentary Workplace
March 03, 2021
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I move: That the report by the Equal Opportunity Commission to the houses of the South Australian parliament, entitled Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace, dated February 2021, be noted. I will be brief today. I have moved...
Read MoreMotion: Supporting School Libraries 2
March 03, 2021
Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. T.A. Franks: That this council— 1. Recognises that school libraries are at the heart of teaching and learning in schools and that they are also places where a love of reading can be sparked and nurtured, often with...
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