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Motion: Parliament Workplace Cultural Review Project

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I move:

That this council—

1. Notes that on 19 February 2020 this council resolved that the President invite the SA Equal Opportunity Commissioner to make recommendations for reforms to facilitate the handling of harassment in this parliamentary workplace;

2. Acknowledges the resultant offer from the Equal Opportunity Commissioner in her correspondence of 13 March 2020 that was tabled on 24 March 2020 and outlined a proposal for a four-month review process of the workplace culture of the South Australian parliament;

3. Notes that the date in the proposal offer for a review to have been undertaken and reported back to the parliament was 31 August 2020, so this project has not only not yet been initiated but its original completion date has now passed; and

4. Requests the President urgently progress this SA parliament workplace cultural review project under the auspices of the Equal Opportunity Commissioner, with a view that it report back no later than the first sitting week of 2021.

Again, I will keep this short. In February, it was drawn to the attention of this particular chamber that we had a problem with the dealing of harassment in this workplace. This council resolved that the President write to the Equal Opportunity Commissioner. The Equal Opportunity Commissioner duly responded to our request with a document that was tabled in March this year, offering a four-month South Australian parliament cultural review project overview to commence in early April and to conclude at the end of July. It would define, identify, gather information, analyse information and produce a report to ensure that in this workplace we have appropriate measures to address harassment and cultural problems.

The review would have reported back over a week ago now, had we actually acted on it. This motion reminds us that this is still on the table. I have also taken the liberty of writing to both presiding members today and have met briefly with both presiding members today. I note that I will bring this motion to a vote on the next Wednesday of sitting. I hope it will not be necessary. I hope that the parliament will have acted by then.

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Motion: APY Art Centre Collective

December 20, 2024

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I move: That this council—1. Acknowledges the importance of Indigenous art centres in their celebration of culture andcontribution to First Nations communities;2. Welcomes the opening of a dedicated Umoona Community Arts Centre in Coober Pedy; and3. Notes the success that...

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Motion: South Australian Museum

December 20, 2024

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I move: That the transcript of evidence taken by the Budget and Finance Committee at its meeting on 3 April 2024 from the South Australian Museum and attached supplementals tabled in the council on Tuesday 26 November 2024 be referred...

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