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Greens call for Immediate Release of Mental Health Unmet Needs Study

The Greens have called for the SA Government to urgently release the full Unmet Needs Study commissioned by the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist.

The study of mental health unmet needs will reveal the true extent of the mental health needs in South Australia post-COVID.

The Greens will bring their Upper House motion, calling for the release of the study, to a vote when Parliament returns.

Quotes attributable to Tammy Franks MLC:

“Labor has delivered on their promise to complete the mental health unmet needs study, but who could have guessed they'd need yet another promise to actually release it. Hoping that they can shelve it will not address the mental health crisis looming.”

“The Premier is fond of saying that if COVID was the earthquake, mental health is the tsunami. Well, the tsunami is coming, and we need the results of this study to ensure South Australia can meet the unmet demands for psychosocial services in this state.”

“This Government needs to ensure we are preparing and supporting South Australians to recover and live their lives well beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, or beyond what other traumas or other issues they have that have given them the unfortunate experience of either major depression or other associated conditions.”

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