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You Bet; They Die: SA Greens Call to End Greyhound Racing After Death of Two Dogs in Four Days

The SA Greens urgently renew their plea to ban greyhound racing in light of two tragic deaths on South Australian tracks this week, mere days before the deadline for the inquiry into the South Australian greyhound racing industry. 

Kruger Dawn was only 31 months old when she died of a heart attack after winning her 29th race on November 19. Only days later, 2-year-old Unforsaken suffered a right tibia fracture and was euthanised after their race on November 22. 

Eleven dogs have now been killed while racing on SA tracks this year, with three of them dying after collapsing.  

Quotes attributable to Tammy Franks MLC: 

“The greyhound racing industry has made it clear it simply refuses to prioritise welfare, and South Australia has had enough.” 

“While the major political parties are focused on propping up the greyhound racing with millions in taxpayer dollars, the Greens are proud to stand alongside animal advocates in calling for change. We know that for as long as this industry exists, dogs will continue to be harmed, and will continue to die.” 

It’s well past time for the Government to listen to the community’s strong opposition to greyhound racing, for the industry to stop receiving taxpayer dollars, and for it to be banned as it is in many places around the world.” 

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