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Upper House condemns Minister' inaction on St Kilda mangroves environmental disaster

The Upper House has just passed a Greens’ motion condemning the inaction of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy and the Minister for Environment and Water in dealing with Buckland Dry Creek Pty Ltd, who are responsible for the ponds leaking hypersaline brine resulting in a mass die-off of mangroves in St Kilda. This is the first such motion (condemning Ministers) to pass the Upper House in the term of the Marshall Government.

Quotes attributable to Tammy Franks MLC:

“The Marshall Government has utterly failed to prevent an entirely preventable environmental disaster. They have had multiple warnings over many years that this could happen if they didn’t manage these ponds properly. We have seen now almost a decade of missed opportunities and mismanagement and have a serious environmental disaster on the Marshall Government watch as a result."

“This was entirely avoidable. Had these Marshall Government Ministers actually stepped in about a year ago when there was already evidence the ponds were leaking, had they listened to years’ worth of warnings, we wouldn’t be now mourning dead mangroves, dead saltmarsh, dead trees in the surrounding suburban backyards and underfed migratory birds now."

“The message to both Ministers is clear: the Parliament will not stand for further destruction and ineffective action. We need them to work with the community, work with the experts, and ensure that the mangroves can recover. The damage done will already take several generations to be repaired but further stalling and posturing will simply make things even worse. They stand condemned today for their inaction. The death of the mangroves is now their legacy."

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