Health and Wellbeing
Question: COVIDsafe App
May 13, 2020
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (14:36): My question is to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing regarding the COVIDSafe app. It is simply: what state requirements, through either the parliament or other delegated legislation, will be required for this app to be able to...
Read MoreSpeech: Abortion Access under COVID Pandemic
May 13, 2020
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:38): I rise today to talk about abortion access for South Australian women under the COVID pandemic. South Australia is the only place in this nation where almost all abortions happen at a public hospital and at no cost to...
Read MoreSpeech: Imagining the world post-COVID-19 (Matters of Interest)
April 20, 2020
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:28): I rise today to make some remarks on the COVID-19 pandemic and the world that we find ourselves in, and the world, in fact, that we can see through this pandemic. As we know, the Prime Minister of the...
Read MoreQuestion: Support for international students during COVID-19
April 08, 2020
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (14:33): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing a question to the Minister for Trade and Investment on the subject of international students. Leave granted. The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: As we know in Australia, and prior to...
Read MoreSpeech: Health Care (Governance) Amendment Bill
May 14, 2019
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I rise on behalf of the Greens to put our position on the Health Care (Governance) Amendment Bill 2019. The bill, of course, is the second tranche, as minister Wade so often referred to it in the previous debate, of a...
Read MoreSpeech: SA Pathology (Matters of Interest)
April 02, 2019
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:24): I rise today to speak on the privatisation of SA Pathology. Every time we go for a blood test to investigate or keep track of an illness or have a tissue sample from a pap test or a suspicious mole sent...
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