The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: Obtained leave and introduced a bill for an act to repeal the TAFE SA Act 2012. Read a first time.
Second Reading
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I move:
That this bill be now read a second time.
I rise today to introduce the Greens' bill to bring TAFE SA back into public hands. It is literally a two-page bill, a title and a clause to repeal the damage that was done back in 2012 when TAFE SA was corporatised by the then Weatherill government. The Greens were actually the sole voice of opposition in the parliament at that time. At that time, we raised a slew of concerns and warnings, and it brings us no pleasure to see that those warnings have come to pass.
We warned the government of the day that corporatisation would fail our students and our state. Since the passage of the bill in 2012, we have seen the slow degradation of what used to be a robust and publicly owned TAFE system. It is time to bring it back into public hands, to recognise that back in 2012 this parliament made a mistake, that TAFE should take back its rightful place as a fully public institution with ministerial authority and accountability and that a strong and healthy TAFE is essential for our future.
There is so much more to say on this, but I will simply put this bill on the table for now and shortly seek leave to conclude my comments. I welcome an acknowledgement by all sides of parliament that we made a mistake when we corporatised TAFE and that TAFE should be rightfully and proudly public in South Australia. I seek leave to conclude my remarks.