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Speech: Veterinary Industry

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I rise on behalf of the Greens to support the motion of the Hon. Sarah Game and support an inquiry into the veterinary industry, driven of course by, as she stated in her speech to this motion, the need to support veterinarians in what is, I am sure, a rewarding but very challenging profession. As she said:

We associate veterinarians with compassion and love for animals, with intelligence and hard work. It is all true. What we do not hear so much is just how resilient and capable veterinarians are and yet they are topping the list for dying from suicide. Let's not keep asking veterinarians to be more resilient and manage stress better, while insisting that they work in toxic work environments so brutal that almost no-one else could stand it.

Incredibly powerful words from the honourable member, and I think a really important matter to bring before this place, so the Greens welcome the establishment of the inquiry and we will look with interest at its recommendations and work.

It is of course well known to many members of this council that some of the momentum around this issue, unfortunately, comes from tragedy and from those vets who have died by suicideas the Hon. Nicola Centofanti noted, somewhere between three or four times more likely than the rest of the population. This is an horrific figure. It is put down to issues such as the pricing, lack of insurance, the long hours and the nature of the work. One particular case, that of Dr Sophie Putland, who died by suicide in 2021 at the age of just 33, and the work of her parents, Garry and Kate Putland, to raise these issues really is a testament to why we need to support this inquiry today and why more must be done. We cannot simply turn away from these issues.

We do need to be looking also at what compensation there is for vets who care for lost, stray or homeless animals or, indeed, injured wildlife. I deal a lot in my portfolios with animal welfare issues. I cannot but commend the work of the vets and those rescue groups and carers who attempt to pay the costs, which are not covered in any public insurance scheme but are expected by the public. People love their pets as well, and people love animals, and emotions are often very high at these extreme times when a veterinarian is needed, particularly with an acute response or euthanasia.

It will come as no surprise to members of this council that some things are above politics, and the Greens are very happy today to support a One Nation member's motion to put a really important issue on the table. We note the words of the opposition as well and can only imagine that this is beyond politics. With that, I commend the work of the member and look forward to her progressing this.

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