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SA Greens Stand in Solidarity with Rank and File Union Members

SA Greens Stand in Solidarity with Rank and File Union Members
The SA Greens stand in solidarity with CFMEU members, and other trade unionists, rallying nationwide today to protest being placed under an undemocratic administration.
Recent federal legislation, passed by a Labor-Liberal alliance, has placed the trade union under administration for a minimum of three years, stripping members of the right to fair and consultative processes about the future of their union and sacking democratically elected officials.
The rally will go ahead today despite the administrators removing posts promoting it from the CFMEU social media pages.
Tammy Franks MLC, SA Greens Spokesperson for Industrial Relations:
The SA Greens believe all credible allegations should be properly investigated, but we are deeply concerned about the impact on rank-and-file members. It is crucial that workers are protected throughout this process.
The SA Greens stand in solidarity with all workers who organise to secure fairness and safety in their workplaces.
The CFMEU represents Australians working in some of our most dangerous workplaces. Their lives and safety must be placed above a political point scoring.

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