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SA Greens Say 'YES': Supporting the Uluru Statement From the Heart in Full

The SA Greens have recommitted their support for the ‘Yes’ Campaign, in the wake of the grassroots membership resolution at a SA Greens meeting, taken in December 2022.

The State SA Greens MPs have today affirmed their commitment to the ‘Yes’ Campaign for a First Nations Voice to Parliament. They will support both the ‘Yes’ Campaign in the referendum to enshrine First Nations Voice into the Australian constitution and the First Nations Voice to the South Australian Parliament legislation expected to be introduced in February 2023.

The Hon Tammy Franks MLC and the Hon Robert Simms MLC today publicly declared their commitment to the ‘Yes’ Campaign for the First Nations Voice to Parliament and support for the Uluru Statement of the Heart in full.

The State MPs declaration follows a December motion of the SA Greens Party that was supported and passed unanimously (by consensus). The motion, which was presented to the SA Greens’ State meeting in December 2022 by the ‘Original Greens’ group of the SA Greens, was moved by the group Convenor, Ngarrindjeri Elder Uncle Moogy Sumner.

The SA ‘Original Greens’ group are members of the Australian Greens- First Nations Network (aka Blak Greens). Proud Wirangu Kokatha man, Brenz Saunders, is the current SA Greens Party Co-Convenor and he welcomed the passage of the resolution.

That resolution noted that:
1. That the Greens SA affirm their support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full, including Voice, Treaty and Truth Telling.
2. That the Greens SA affirm their support for a referendum to enshrine a First Nations Voice into the constitution.
3. That the Greens SA take steps to clarify - to members, supporters and the South Australian public - our support for the Uluru Statement and for the referendum, and that we develop a plan to campaign actively for ‘Yes’ in the referendum.

Quotes attributable to Tammy Franks MLC:
“The South Australian Greens membership and importantly the First Nations leadership of our Party have been clear in their commitment to supporting the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full. That includes progressing Truth-telling and Treaty or Treaties. I look forward to working with the Government to see the fruition of a state First Nations Voice to Parliament as a first step in that important Makarrata work and of course supporting the Yes Campaign in the Referendum later this year.”

Quotes attributable to Brenz Saunders:
“Through a process of open dialogue and honest discussion at our last State Party Council meeting in December. Our members in South Australia confidently and proudly made it abundantly clear that the SA Greens support the Uluru Statement from The Heart in full.”
“The SA Greens affirm our commitment to the Uluru Statement From The Heart and to work collaboratively with our state Original (First Nations) Greens member action group to ensure their voices are rightly leading this action.”

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