The SA Greens renew their call to ban greyhound racing, following the deadline of the Independent Inquiry into the South Australian greyhound racing industry.
Five racing greyhounds have died in South Australia since the inquiry began, with twelve dogs killed while racing on SA tracks this year.
Quotes attributable to Tammy Franks MLC:
“The greyhound racing industry has shown time and time again that it is incapable of reform. For so long as this cruel gambling-fuelled industry is allowed to continue, where the objective of making money overrides all concerns for animal welfare, we will continue to see unacceptable animal abuse.”
“More and more people in Australia see greyhound racing for what it is: gambling-fuelled animal cruelty. These beautiful dogs should be running for fun, not their lives.”
“I think the public would be appalled to know that the SA Government is providing millions of dollars annually in taxpayer subsidies to prop up this inhumane and unethical industry.”