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SA Greens Call for Action Amid Record-Breaking August Temperatures

SA Greens Call for Action Amid Record-Breaking August Temperatures
The record for the hottest August day has been broken, with South Australian temperatures reaching 39.4C in Oodnadatta late in the month. The news comes days after Santos, the fossil fuel conglomerate, announced a staggering interim dividend of $625.6 million.
As the climate crisis worsens, South Australia will continue to see more extreme weather events. The SA Greens are calling on the Malinauskas Government to take urgent action on climate mitigation and adaption.
Quotes Attributable to Tammy Franks MLC, SA Greens Spokesperson for Climate:
It is outrageous that while fossil fuel companies, like Santos, continue to reap record profits, our planet and our people suffer from the effects of unprecedented environmental damage. Their dividends come at an enormous cost to our community.
Climate change is hitting us at full force. It is time to start treating it like the emergency that it is. The Malinauskas Government has made some big promises – now is the time for them to act.
It is clear that climate change threatens every single eco-system and in many regions, we are seeing more and more extreme weather events. Australia's environment is sick, and it is only going to get sicker.

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