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Question: Sterling Village Fire

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:06): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing
a question to the Minister for Regional Development on the topic of the Stirling Village fire.
Leave granted.
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: Last Sunday, as we know, Stirling Village shop owners had been
forced to relocate or close after a huge blaze swept through that shopping centre. An estimated
$25 million damage was caused to the Stirling Village, which has a Woolworths, a pharmacy, a Cibo,
a sushi store, a Bakers Delight, a butcher and a ready-made meals store.
The Woolworths supermarket was fully destroyed. Businesses in the adjoining mall still
haven't been able to access their shops to even see what has been damaged. These shops therefore
aren't open, and local people not only are unable to access much-needed produce but aren't working.

While Woolworths workers have been deployed to other stores, the closest stores are Blackwood,
12 kilometres away; Mitcham, 14 kilometres away; and Mount Barker, 18 kilometres away. We know
that public transport options are very limited.
It is unclear how long the stores will be closed, but I note that local Adelaide Hills Council
Mayor, Jan-Claire Wisdom, has contacted the Stirling Business Association to investigate what the
needs might be and has offered options such as temporary caravan accommodation for some
businesses. My questions to the minister are:
1. Has the minister contacted the Adelaide Hills Council or the Stirling Business
Association to assess the needs of independent traders and workers or to offer assistance?
2. What needs have been identified, and what assistance has been offered?

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development,
Minister for Forest Industries) (15:08): I thank the honourable member for her question. I am sure
we are all saddened and shocked to see the fire that occurred at Stirling Village and to see the
devastation that it has caused to those smaller shops as well as to Woolworths. I am happy to refer
the question to the Minister for Small and Family Business in the other place to see whether she can
provide some information in regard to the questions asked by the honourable member.

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:08): Supplementary: does the minister see this as a regional
development issue?
The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development,
Minister for Forest Industries) (15:09): As I mentioned, the more appropriate minister, I would
suggest, is the Minister for Small and Family Business. I am happy to reach out to her and see if she
can provide additional information.

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:09): Supplementary: what can the small business minister do
to assist with transport and infrastructure in this region? Do you not see this as a regional
development issue more broadly?
The PRESIDENT: Minister, you did mention the other minister in the other place, but you
choose to answer it how you see fit.

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:09): Supplementary: is this not yet another reason that the
minister should pay more attention to transport as an issue for regional communities?
The PRESIDENT: I can't really rule that in because there was no mention of transport in the
minister's original answer.

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