The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: My question is to the Attorney-General, representing the Premier, on the topic of the domestic, family and sexual violence royal commission:
1. What will the terms of reference be?
2. When will the royal commissioner be announced?
3. Will the royal commission be cognisant of the missing and murdered First Nations women Senate inquiry that is currently underway?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector): I thank the honourable member for her question. I know, from being part of the round table that was held towards the end of last year—which was exceptionally well attended and had very persuasive arguments put about the royal commission that I think were instrumental in the decision of the government to announce that a royal commission will be held, and I acknowledge the advocacy of other members of this chamber who have advocated for a royal commission to be held—that at the time there was an announcement that the royal commission would be held as soon as reasonably practical to have it set up and to be held in a reasonable time frame
. I think at the time an intention was talked about to hold it within 12 months of it being started, to have results, so that they could be actioned, rather than—as some royal commissions do, and some necessarily do—have it be held over quite a number of years. Certainly, in my discussion with people involved in providing services for victim survivors of family and domestic abuse, the idea of a royal commission being held quickly to get answers and policy prescriptions to have a look at how effectively funding is spent and what they do is one that has been welcomed.
I don't have a time frame in front of me, but I can say that I know the aim is to have it set up as soon as we possibly can. So it would be in the coming weeks, or couple of months—as soon as possible—that I would expect terms of reference and a framework for the royal commission to be set up for the royal commission to be able to get on with its work and, as was outlined, hopefully deliver a report within 12 months of it being established.
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: Supplementary: will the South Australian royal commission be cognisant of the Senate inquiry into missing and murdered First Nations women?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector): I apologise: the honourable member asked that as part of her question and I forgot about it. I am not sure exactly what the terms of reference will end up being, but of course the royal commission is generally able to take into account quite a wide range of things, and that may well be something that the royal commission takes into account, whether it's through the terms of reference or through its ability to look at matters, or any other matters.
I am aware of that Senate inquiry. I think it might have been one of the members of the Western Australian Senate, a colleague whom I have a great deal of time for, actually, and catch up with regularly, who is very involved in that committee. I commend the work of Senator Cox, from Western Australia, and the committee and the work that they are doing.