The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:09): My question is to the Treasurer: how much has been spent so far on the Building What Matters campaign, and what criteria have been used to afford this campaign promotion in South Australia to date, given that he chairs the relevant committees?
The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (15:09): I am happy to take the detail of the question on notice, but the Building What Matters campaign, together with all other campaigns, is publicly disclosed on the government website. The proposed cost of the campaign, the actual expenditure of the campaign and a copy at the end of the campaign of the evaluation, that is, what it was endeavouring to achieve and whether it achieved it or not, is publicly available.
That occurs at the end of each campaign, so I would need to check to see whether or not the evaluation of the first stage of the Building What Matters campaign has been concluded; I suspect it might not have. Nevertheless, there is a process where those sorts of details are all made publicly available. Nevertheless, I will check to see what is publicly available and advise the member accordingly.