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Motion: Zonta Club

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: It is my absolute pleasure to support this motion that the Hon. Reggie Martin has brought before us today in support of the fine women of Zonta. Indeed, over the years I have had quite a bit to do with Zonta, not as a member but as a member of parliament, although previously working with them across a range of human rights issues and advocacy issues when I was employed and active with the YWCA.

Zonta International has its foundations back in 1919. It comes from a Sioux Indian word meaning honest and trustworthy, and that name was adopted in 1930. Today, Zonta International is a global organisation of more than 28,000 women and men in more than 1,100 Zonta Clubs in 63 countries. Zonta International has an international voice for change on matters relating to women and girls through its general consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and consultative status with UNESCO, UNICEF, UN Women, the International Labour Organization, Council of Europe and the international Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs.

The wonderful Zonta Club of Adelaide would be well known to many people in this place. It certainly does wonderful things in our community. It has been going since 1969, which is for almost as long as I have been alive as I was one year old. It began as the first club to be established in our state of South Australia. The first committee set up in the Zonta Club of Adelaide was the Status of Women committee, which over the years contributed to many major government policy initiatives and went on to do wonderful work for women's development not just here in South Australia but right across the globe.

Certainly, Zonta International continues to be as relevant as it ever was and as needed as it ever was, and so I am very happy to support this particular motion. I note that most recently Zonta International has made contributions on two issues of concern to this particular council in this parliament, which includes their support for a human rights charter or act for our state and their contention that all laws should respect human rights when decisions are made and that the human rights impact should be considered and that remedies should be available where human rights have not been considered or have been breached without justification.

Further, of course, they have pointed to the debate around sex work and the decriminalisation of sex work and indeed drawn our attention as members of this parliament to the decriminalisation of sex work, which would ensure that sex workers would have more agency to choose where they provide their services and that their sexual health requirements are considered. Indeed, it would also, Zonta argues, be a platform where parties in the transactions are treated more equally. As the Zonta submission to the human rights framework reads: Sex workers should be regulated like workers in any other industry; this would help address stigma, discrimination and adverse health outcomes for these workers. T

hey point to the fact that a human rights act or charter would also support those rights of sex workers, so I hope in the near future to see some of those efforts of our local Zonta women put into practice in this place through both the decriminalisation of sex work and a human rights charter in this state. I wish them every success and prosperity in the fine work they do not just here in South Australia but right across the globe.

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