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Motion: Parliamentary Committees

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (12:34): I thank those members who have made a contribution today: the Leader of the Opposition the Hon. Nicola Centofanti, the Hon. Mira El Dannawi, and the Hon. Connie Bonaros. I also thank the Hon. Kyam Maher, as Leader of Government Business in this place, for his conversations and support on this important matter.

It is actually as a house of review that we often see ourselves, in the Westminster system, in this Legislative Council. Part of that review is the important work of committees. In fact, we had an entire committee on committees, which does seem a little farcical, but I think Yes, Minister is sometimes used as a bit of a guidebook rather than being a fictional portrayal of parliaments. In this case, it is a little Yes, Minister.

The PSA approached me about this issue and sought clarity about how we were resourcing our committees in this place. I note that today we will pass this motion and seek an update on what the previous parliament's Legislative Council resolved to see happen, and I look forward to that report being provided. Mr President, if you could provide some clarity on how that will be provided—not right now, but to be taken on notice—so that all members in this place know how we will receive the report, whether it will be tabled or simply circulated.

Just today, I note that I am on two particular committees that are conflicting and am being presented with the option of whether I want one committee to report or the other committee to report, because it is the same researcher. Both are really pressing political issues to which witnesses have devoted their time; now we are in a position, because of the lack of appropriate resourcing, where one of those committees is not going to get a timely report.

I do not know what decision we will make between just those two committees. This is what happens when we are not properly resourcing, applying ourselves to the proper resourcing, particularly in terms of human resources, of our committee system to enable that to function.

For those members who are newer than me, I point out that when I started in this place a lot more of the administration of committees was provided to us by the parliament. These days our staff officers are required to do the collation of folders and the photocopying, largely. A lot of those aspects of that role have been taken on within our offices. I have raised that with the PSU as a potential enterprise bargaining concern, and note that enterprise bargaining is occurring not just with our offices as MPs but within the parliament, and that there is a forthcoming bill looking at professionalising this place with a chief executive and some parliamentary reform.

I hope this report informs all those discussions, and thank members for their support today. I note that we are reaffirming our commitment to really, truly being a better house of review. Motion carried.

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