The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I move:
That this council:
1. Notes that in 2022 this council passed a motion recognising the ongoing resourcing issues within the current committee system of the Legislative Council, especially select committees, and requesting that the Clerk of the Legislative Council commence implementation of the formal recommendations contained in the Report of the Select Committee on the Effectiveness of the Current System of Parliamentary Committees to the current committee structure; and
2. Seeks a report from the Clerk on the implementation of this February 2022 motion's request. My speech is short. In the last parliament this council moved a motion, it was passed, it asked the Clerk to prepare some work to ensure that we have effective committees. We currently do not have effective committees. I now hope that this council will seek that report so we can continue to work towards having better committees. With that, I commend the motion and note that I will be taking it to a vote on the next Wednesday of sitting.
Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. L.A. Henderson.