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Minister Hildyard Misses Own Deadline to Appoint Greyhound Racing Inspector

The SA Greens have slammed the Malinauskas Government’s failure to appoint an independent inspector for greyhound racing by the Easter 2024 deadline. A timeframe set by the Government themselves in December last year.

Quotes Attributable to Tammy Franks MLC:

‘Since the Ashton Inquiry saw the Premier give this industry a two-year lifeline to reform three greyhounds have died on South Australian tracks this year.’

‘Last year, after that review affirmed the industry was operating in an unacceptable way, the South Australian public were promised urgent reforms to put an end to greyhound racing in this state in two years. To start by Easter 2024. The establishment of the role of Independent Inspector for Greyhound Racing Reform was Recommendation 57 of the Ashton Inquiry, that was established after footage leaked of alleged animal cruelty. The inquiry report observed such footage was not an aberration.’

‘So far Minister Hildyard seems to have a lot of balls in the air but I’m not sure she’s scoring any goals. With Gather Round ahead greyhounds now seem forgotten. Where is the Independent Inspector? Where is the legislative reform?’

‘The greyhound racing industry has shown time and time again that it is incapable of change, they are meant to now be on a final warning. Three deaths in three months is not a sign of an industry ready to reform. I think the public would be appalled to know that the SA Government is providing millions of dollars annually in taxpayer subsidies to prop up this inhumane and unethical industry without even bothering to ensure integrity and animal cruelty is addresses as they pledged’


Quotes Attributable to Elle Trahair, SA Spokesperson for Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds

"The urgent call to address the profound animal welfare concerns outlined in this Review reflects the imperative to dismantle the current framework sustaining such exploitation."

"We are faced daily with the heart-breaking truth of the immense suffering experienced by greyhounds in South Australia. From doping to injuries, racing in extreme heat and the agonising deaths that persist, the cruel realities of the industry continue unabated."

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