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Malinauskas Government to Ram Through Fair Work Bill: SA Greens Call for Consultation with Workers and Unions

The SA Greens condemn the Malinauskas Government’s attempts to once again ram a bill through parliament without adequate community consultation.

The Fair Work (Registered Associations) Bill was introduced on the last day of the previous sitting week and will be brought to a vote later today. The SA Greens claim that there has not been adequate time for genuine consultation on the matter.

Amongst the changes proposed in the bill, is the extension of the maximum term of enterprise bargaining agreements from three to four years. During a cost-of-living crisis, this could be disastrous for workers who, during lengthy negotiation periods, could be restricted from negotiating pay rises for periods of five years as a knock-on effect of the change.

The Greens are also concerned about the effects this will have on free association.

Quotes Attributable to Tammy Franks MLC, SA Greens Spokesperson for Industrial Relations:

The Greens are always willing to work with government to get the best outcomes for workers. We have significant concerns about the way this bill is being handled and implore the Malinauskas Government to do the right thing and allow for genuine debate – instead of racing to the finish line. 

Given the ongoing pressures of the current cost of living crisis, we know that wages are just not keeping up. We are concerned that if the government rushes this bill through, and enterprise agreement periods are extended from three to four years, workers will be far worse off and unable to negotiate for better pay.

The Malinauskas Government are trying to rush this bill through because they know cutting workers off at the knees when it comes to negotiating better pay, in a cost-of-living crisis, simply won’t pass the pub test. It is damning that the government are forcing through this bill, when not a single union we have spoken to support increasing maximum terms for enterprise agreements.

Unionists are concerned about the impact this bill could have on the freedom of workers to choose their industrial representation. The Greens believe that these workers have the right to genuine consultation.

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