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Koala State’ Plates on Cars Should Also Keep Koalas Off our Roads

The SA Greens have urged the Malinauskas Government to consider creating safer roads for wildlife as part of their election pledge for ‘Koala State Plates’. In 2022 the Malinauskas Opposition promised to introduce ‘Koala State’ plates where funds raised would be used
to support wildlife carers. In Question Time today, SA Greens Parliamentary Co-Leader, Tammy Franks MLC, asked the Leader of Government to commit to consulting wildlife carers about the use of ‘Koala State Plate’ funds raised and take on suggestions from wildlife carers themselves that keeping Koalas and other animals safe and off the roads in the first place would be desirable. The Greens call was spurred by local wildlife rescuer, Mish Simpson, from Southern Koala and Echidna Rescue (SKER), who recently wrote to the Malinauskas Government raising the issue. SKER was the very rescue facility that the Labor party chose to make their announcement about the Koala State Plates. Ms Simpson raised concerns that her organisation has conducted more rescues or retrievals of koalas so far this year than across all three previous years prior combined. A recent SA Parliament Committee indicated the SA Koala State plates are due to be launched soon. It is expected $50 from each plate sold would go towards ‘wildlife rescue and care’.

Quotes attributable to Ms Franks:

“The funds raised from Koala State Plates on our cars should be used to keep koalas from being killed on our roads."

“A measure that not only fulfills the Malinauskas Government promise, but also improves road safety for road users and could reduce the burden and stress being placed on wildlife rescue and carers into the future should be welcomed."

“Any animals entering large, high-speed roadways pose not only significant danger to themselves, but also to road users. The suggestion that some of these Koala State Plate funds go towards keeping koalas and other animals from needing rescue or worse retrieval is a worthy one. I hope the Malinauskas government gives it proper consideration."

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