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Hildyard Fails at First Hurdle: Greens Condemn Malinauskas Government for Failure to Act on the Ashton Inquiry

The SA Greens have condemned the Malinauskas Government in the state’s Upper House for its failure to act on greyhound racing integrity and animal welfare; after Minister Hildyard neglected to appoint an Independent Inspector by the Easter deadline.

The Ashton Inquiry noted that if greyhound racing were to retain a social license, the 86 reform recommendations would need to be immediate and widespread. Four months later, the SA Greens have questioned how many of these accepted recommendations are now in effect.

The Greens will soon bring forth legislation that would see the Greyhound Racing Industry of SA become subject to freedom of information requirements.

Quotes Attributable to Tammy Franks MLC, Greens Spokesperson for Animal Welfare:

“What did we see last Easter, last week? We saw a lot of Gather Round and nothing about the greyhounds. We saw a Premier and a minister very keen on a photo op, but not so keen on the follow up, the hard work that needs to be done to ensure that this state is not over-sighting, is not endorsing, animal cruelty.”

“The most crucial part of the Malinauskas government ensuring that this industry does clean up its act, that this industry does not continue to harm animals, that this industry does have integrity, that it is not open to corruption and maladministration, is to appoint the recommended independent inspector. They have failed at the first hurdle”

“How can we trust, when the Premier tells us in all seriousness, in all graveness, that he was lied to by this industry, that he is gravely concerned about the horrific instances that have been uncovered in this quite extensive and thorough report that all members of this place should read? How can we believe the Premier when they have not even bothered to keep their own promise to ensure an independent inspector was in place by Easter 2024?”

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