The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I move:
That the report by the Equal Opportunity Commission to the houses of the South Australian parliament, entitled Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace, dated February 2021, be noted.
I will be brief today. I have moved to note this report because we know that it has taken motion after motion in this place and the other to get these issues reviewed by the EO Commissioner. There are some significant recommendations here that I think we all should be involved in progressing.
I do hope the crossbenchers and Independents in this place will have as much involvement in creating some of the solutions as members of the major parties. I move this motion today so that we do not forget this issue, this report, and that the recommendations have a place where we can hold not just the government to account but indeed the parliament to account.
I will not go through some of the contents of this report today. Indeed, we have seen them played out in the pages of the media already, and I am sure that most members of the council have already taken a look at this report. I will seek leave to conclude my comments today, because this is an issue that will not go away and that we need to address, and this place certainly needs many of the recommendations made in this report to be enacted and implemented and for that to be done in an inclusive way that involves all members of this parliament and those who work in this building.