This NAIDOC Week the Greens have called on SAPOL to update their recruitment processes after uncovering administrative racism in SAPOL’s recruitment processes. Recruits passing all other relevant tests are ‘failing’ the final police check after not being able to provide details such as their parent’s maiden name or date of birth. The reason for this lack of personal information linked directly to the applicants having parents who are members of the Stolen Generation. In Parliament today Tammy Franks MLC called on the Malinauskas Labor Government to take urgent action to address what she termed “institutional racism” in SAPOL. Quotes attributable to Tammy Franks MLC: “This week is NAIDOC Week, but SAPOL have shown us that we still have a long way to go. Commissioner Grant Stevens needs to do better. “We know that there is a recruitment crisis in SAPOL, and with these sorts of barriers placed in the way of First Nations people it is clear that the problem runs deeper than just lack of interest. “By 2030, SAPOL have a target under their Diversity and Inclusion Strategy to have Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people making up at least 3% of their workforce. At present, however, they only make up 1.35% of the workforce. The latest census, however, is showing us that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population is growing. This begs the question: why doesn’t SAPOL’s workforce reflect this change? “Without removing institutional racism like this we will never recruit officers that reflect the diversity in our community. It is despicable that SAPOL processes are discriminatory against members of the Stolen Generation and their families. It must be fixed. |
Greens Call to End 'Institutional Racism' in SAPOL Recruitment
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