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BAE System Has No Place in Our CBD – SA Greens Stand Firm Against BAE Systems

The SA Greens vehemently oppose BAE Systems’, the world’s fourth largest arms producer, relocation to Lot Fourteen in the Adelaide CBD, as well as the Malinauskas Government’s complicity in celebrating war profiteers.

Instead of welcoming companies that monetise misery and conflict, the SA Greens argue that the government should prioritise partnerships that foster sustainable industries and benefit the local economy. Corporations like BAE Systems, which are deeply involved in the production of military equipment and arms used to commit war crimes, only contribute to global instability.

The SA Greens urge the Malinauskas Government to reconsider the implications of allowing war profiteers to establish a stronger foothold in South Australia.

Quotes Attributable to Tammy Franks MLC, SA Greens Spokesperson for Peace and Disarmament:

BAE Systems is not a neutral entity; they are war profiteers who exploit human suffering for profit. At a time when our local and global communities are calling for peace, the South Australian Government’s ringing endorsement of this partnership is a profound disappointment.

Rather than rolling out the red carpet for war profiteers, the Malinauskas Government should invest in initiatives that genuinely benefit South Australians and contribute to a more just and peaceful world.

The moral failings of war profiteers must be exposed and challenged. As a society, we cannot afford to remain silent in the face of such blatant depravity. We must advocate for a future that prioritises the dignity of all people over corporate greed. BAE Systems has no place in our CBD.

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